About Us
CEO Statement
At Sweeny Community Hospital, the community has been the heart and force to continue to grow and expand to meet its needs. We strive to fulfill our Vision, Mission, and Values each day. As we begin on this journey of bringing modern healthcare to West of the Brazos, we also reflect on where we came from, what our future goals look like, and how we can become the best healthcare provider for our community.
Growing up in Sweeny, I witnessed many changes in the hospital as they coped to meet demands of ever changing healthcare. When the opportunity arose for me to return and be apart of that change, I embraced the venture. Having fulfilled several roles at SCH, my clinical background, advanced education in healthcare, and the heart for my community has given me a unique opportunity to forge a pathway forward.
In the upcoming years, my vision for this hospital is to be able to care for our community like family and to offer the opportunity for patients to get the best care local, near home, without having to travel elsewhere. Sweeny Community Hospital is unique in its kindness and compassion towards our neighbors. You will find that our team embraces being your healthcare provider, neighbor, and friend. I hope you find the SCH team and clinics as your first thought in healthcare services.
Kelly Park RN, BSN, MHA
Chief Executive Officer

Why Us?
How can we serve you?


Our values come FIRST
Be identified by our FRIENDLINESS
Foster INTEGRITY in word and deed
Do the RIGHT thing correctly the first time
SERVE our patients’ needs before our own
Earn our patients’ TRUST by being professional and caring, all the time
Portal Links
Helpful links to help you pay a bill or see your medical information
Your Trusted Healthcare Team

Kelly Park, CEO
Our medical family includes skilled doctors, nurses and other staff who provide personalized care when you or your loved-ones need it most.
Sweeny Community Hospital offers a full range of services to help you feel better fast! Whether you need emergency care or are just feeling under the weather, we can meet your needs.
Inpatient Care
Emergency Medicine
Physical Therapy
Assisted Living
Contact Us
Unless Otherwise Specified Please Call:
(979) 548-1500
Accounts Payable Ext. 1552
Administration Ext. 1598
Auxiliary (Gift Shop) Ext. 1578
Cardioplumonary Services Ext. 1565
Case Management Ext. 1596
Chief Financial Officer Ext. 1881
Diagnostic Imaging Ext. 1815
Dietary Ext. 1588
EMS Director Ext. 1597
Environmental Services Ext. 1540
Emergency Department Ext. 0
Human Resources Ext. 1502/1802
Infection Control Ext. 1556
Information Technology Ext. 5508
Laboratory Ext. 1576
Ladies Auxiliary Ext. 1578
Maintenance Ext. 1540
Marketing/Public Relations Ext. 1877
Materials Management Ext. 1532
Medical Records Ext. 1592
Med/Surg Ext. 1562/1563
Out Patient Registration Ext. 1555
Patient Financial Services Ext. 1555
Pharmacy Ext. 1818
Wound Treatment & Surgery Center Ext. 1883
Sweeny Hospital Clinic
West Columbia Clinic
668 West Brazos Avenue,
West Columbia, TX